Sunday, January 31, 2010

This just in: Baseball to bring Peace to the Mideast

Baseball's in the air, can you feel it? Can you just taste it? Twins Fest going on in here, one big love fest at the old hump in downtown Mpls known as the Metrodome. Lots of autographs, jerseys for sale, bats and balls, and chatter about the upcoming season and the Twins chances. Hope Springs Eternal for baseball fans each spring, as embodied by the ubiquitous Cubs fan chant as they end each season, "wait until next year...". When your team is 0-0 come April, you're dead even with all those other teams, including the guys who won the World Series last year.

Mauer, Mauer, Mauer -- lots of chatter about when will the Twins sign him, will he stay in Minnesota? This kid now has Rock Star status, an unbelievable amount of what is now national attention from the old and young, male and female. And he handles it all with aplomb and grace and style, kudo's to him for that public persona that matches the private persona. Nice guys can finish first, I knew it.

Jim Thome now a Twin, more power from the left side of the plate - consummate professional and all-around good guy. Very well a future hall of famer, he's hit 564 that landed on the other side of the fence (I'm going out on a limb here and assuming he's never had an inside-the-parker, but that's just me...). Gonna have to see what we got from the mound, both the starters and the relievers. Last time I checked pitching really matters in this game. See what Liriano looks like after wintering down in the Dominican. See if Pavano and Baker and Slowey can eat up innings and put up quality starts.

The Hot Stove League is alive and well in chilly Mpls/St Paul. God Bless Baseball. Oh and buy that new bio on Willie Mays I just read about in the NY Times. That will keep you warm through February.


  1. Perhaps you could find some way to have an automatic countdown on your blog to the first game at Target Field? I will look into that, I feel it's essential.

  2. What a cool post. And I love your title.
    Good idea to get a countdown devise.
