Thursday, December 24, 2009

Daughter located, right where we thought we left her

Daughter #1, the first lady of all things righteous in the world of math, sex in the city, John Mayer and Joe Mauer, is spending her first Christmas away from the homestead. Always a significant event in one's life, a key inflection point as children orbit out into a world and life of their own over time, usually takes place at some point in the 20's. I remember when I did it myself a few moons ago - 24 yrs young in the hills of Colorado, did a little skiing with a nice family that was kind enough to adopt me over the holidays.

So where did K go you ask? She matriculated down the left-hand coast line of Colombia, down along the Andes Mountains, stolen mango and all to a quaint little town called Pasto, she's almost to Ecuador for goodness sake. This girl has wings, literally. She has been to more countries already in 22 yrs of living than I've been in well, let's just say in math terms more than 2x that there 22. Like that's more than double to put it another way; like that's more than 22 plus 22 if you will. Sorry, trying my hand at teaching math there for a minute.

Wait a minute - she's going even farther away from the epicenter of Rad's Nation? Wasn't Cali far enough? Where next, the south pole to check on the penguins (no, not the hockey team in Pittsburgh Mario)? You would think that she would be traveling home at Christmas time. You would think that she would be with loved one's at Christmas time. Well my little Bethlehem friends, watch closely, because the hand is faster than the mind -- actually what I mean to say is the heart is faster than the mind. Some believe that a miracle actually happened on this day long ago - that somehow, someway, a savior was born, to a human being, to a beautiful young, incredibly brave woman named Mary (p.s. and please bookmark this - the Virgin Mary is one of my hero's and one of my most favorite people EVER - think Magnificat and you are there with me NOW). Do you believe in miracles? Really? No sense gettin' up tomorrow unless you believe. Cuz over here on Rad's street, just one street over from E Street - we will let you in on our little secret WE BELIEVE. We do, don't mean to get to heavy with ya' all, but Christ is kind of a big deal around here, he lives with us, in our hearts.

So who is Kristin with at Christmas time? Who are these pilgrims, these 3 kings on the road to see the newborn baby that were so gracious and so kind to take this traveling little girl in to their homes and into their hearts? We have never met them in our lives, but we know them. They are our brothers and sisters, they are pilgrims on the same journey we are - to live in peace, let me say that again, think LOUD - TO LIVE IN PEACE. Not war, not a police action, not a border skirmish, not arguing, not fighting, not bickering, no across-the-aisle yelling and screaming out there in Wash D.C. Isn't that why HE came? Wasn't that a big part of the message? Wasn't it something about do unto others...? Take care of your brother... where there are but 2 or 3 gathered in my name... there I will be. There but for the grace of God go I. If you want justice you have to fight for peace. Peace starts at home, in your own family. If you can't do it there, you can't do it in foreign countries with strangers. You can have Peace, BUT YOU HAVE TO WORK AT IT. If it was easy, everybody would be doing it. And you can't DO IT BY YOURSELF - YOU GOTTA HAVE HELP.

So that little geographic piece of magic I was talkin' about a few hundred paragraphs ago - Kristin is home for Christmas!!! Yep, right before your very eyes. If she can show up unannounced in NYC, she sure as heck can show up here for Christmas. See "here" is our hearts, see "here" is with other people, no matter who they are, no matter where they are, that are people tryin' to live a decent life, tryin' to help others along, tryin' to live the way Christ taught us. Being taken by that same Christmas miracle that little up the mideast a few thousands years ago a whole heckuva lot better than any darn missile or rocket or bomb could light it up today. He lit it up with PEACE, he lit it up with LOVE, he lit it up with HOPE. And that flame hasn't burned out yet, and here at Rad's Nation, we always keep the home fires burning (that's usually because Terese has a candle burning somewhere in the house....), and home is where the heart is. And in our hearts is our dear, dear, brave daughter Kristin. Guess what? She NEVER LEFT! She's been right here in our hearts all the time, she's just out being a disciple, doing her job, brining a little love to the people down south.

I'm going to close with a bang, forgive me if this brings a tear to your eye, but please know my intent is to put joy in your hearts at this very special time of the year. If you think that was something in the way of geographic slight of hand and magic tricks, there's one more that you should be aware of as you lay your heads down on your pillows tonight, as you say your prayers, and tuck your kids in, and squeeze them just a bit tighter than you usually do, and stare out into the beautiful, starlit night and all that fresh snow -- and you will realize that if you have the Christ child in your hearts, our dear and beloved friend, and one of the most spiritual, loving, caring beings I have ever been blessed to know -- Grandma Liz never left either. Yea she changed zip codes, I get that. But she never, ever ever left our hearts. Why would she? She was there already, helping us along everyday, making our way closer to God. And she's still doing that same work. Honor her, honor her memory by living in peace, and working for peace every day of your life. Don't you ever forget that. God Bless all of, and to all a good night.

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